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Monday, April 25, 2016

Basic Human Anatomy Quiz 03,

Human Biology – Part 03
*      Gross Anatomy – Parts that could be seen by the eye

*      Surface Anatomy – corresponding landmarks on the surface

*      Microscopic anatomy – Histology (Study of the parts that could not be seen from the naked eye)

*    What do mean by Anatomical Position
o   The anatomical position is a person standing erect, with their feet together, eyes forward, palms facing front with the thumbs pointing away from the body

Some Common Terms to know Standard Terminology

*      Superior (cranial) - toward the head.
*      Inferior (caudal) - toward the feet.

*      Anterior (ventral) - front.
*      Posterior (dorsal) - back.

*      Medial - toward the middle.
*      Lateral - to the sides.

*      Proximal - in or near attachment point in question, similar to the word proximity.
*      Distal - away from the attachment, similar to the word distant.

*      Superficial (external) - is something on the outside.
*      Deep (internal )- is inside, away from the skin.

*      Ipsilateral - Same side. (Ipsi means same. Lateral means side.)
*      Contralateral -  Opposite side. (Contra means opposite.)

*    Planes of the Human Body
o   Median Plane  (Mid-sagittal Plane)
o   Sagittal Plane   (Para-median Plane)
o   Coronal Plane  (Frontal Plane)
o   Transverse Plane (Horizontal Plane)

*    What is diaphragm?
o   The diaphragm is a domed shaped skeletal muscle, located at the inferior-most aspect of the rib cage.
o   It separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity

*    Main Systems of the Human Body
o   Digestive system
o   Respiratory System
o   Blood and Hematopoietic System
o   Cardio-Vascular System
o   Lymphatic System
o   Immune System
o   Urinary System
o   Nervous System
o   Endocrine System
o   Muscular System
o   Skeletal System

o   Reproductive Systems

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