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Monday, April 25, 2016

Basic Human Anatomy Quiz 02

Tissue & Tissue Types

*   What is a tissue?
o   A tissue is made up of a large number of cells that is specialized to perform a specific function.

*   What is inter-cellular space in the tissue
o   the spaces between cells are, usually filled with extracellular fluid

*   What are main four types of tissues?
o   Epithelial Tissue
o   Connective Tissue (includes bone and cartilage)
o   Muscle Tissue
o   Nerve Tissue

*   What are Excitable Tissues?
o   Muscle and Nerve tissues are called EXCITABLE TISSUES due to the specialized property of their cell membrane

*   Why it’s called Excitable Tissue ?
o   The property of being able to stimulate the cell membrane to generate and transmit and electrochemical signal

*   What is Epithelial Tissue ?
o   Tissues cover the body and linings of tubes and cavities in the body.
o   The cells usually lie on a basement membrane
o   Cells of this tissue type are closely packed and therefore intercellular substance is minimal

*   What are main two types of epithelial tissues
o   Simple Epithelium – only one layer of cells
o   Stratified Epithelium – Multiple layers

*   What are main 04 groups Simple Epithelium tissue based on shape
o   Squamous Epithelium (Pavement) – flat cells (Heart – Blood & Lymph vessels – Lung Alveoli)
o   Cuboidal Epithelium – cube like cells (Tubules of the kidney – Some glands)
o   Columnar Epithelium – tall cells (Lining the organs of the gastro intestinal tract)
o   Ciliated Epithelium – cells with cilia on the free surface (Respiratory passage, Fallopian tubes)

*   What are main 02 groups Stratified Epithelium tissue
o   Stratified Squamous Epithelium (Skin)
o   Transitional Epithelium (bladder)

*   What is pseudo-stratified columnar epithelium
o   The tissue cell nuclei are at different levels in a section they appear stratified but in fact there is only one layer of cells (Found in the Respiratory Tract)

*   What are main 04 types of Connective Tissue? and main function
o   Tissues that provide support, connect or separate different types of tissues in the body
o   Loose Connective Tissue:
§  Areolar Tissue– under the skin, between muscles
§  Adipose Tissue (Fat): it is specialized but a loose connective
o   Dense Connective Tissue: 
§  Fibrous tissue – In ligaments,
o   Specialized Connective Tissue (Dense):
§   Cartilage Tissue
§   Bone Tissue
o   Blood and Lymphatic

*   How Connective tissue differ from epithelial tissues?
o   cells are spread wide  in connective tissue ,and a large amount of intercellular substance (matrix)

*   03 Types of cartilage
o   Hyaline cartilage – Provides Flexibility (Nose)
o   Elastic cartilage – Greater Flexibility (Ears)
o   Fibrous cartilage – Strength (intervertebral Discs)

*   02 types of bone tissues
o   Compact Bone – appears solid
o   Cancellous Bone – more spongy in appearance

*   What are  the main 03 Types of Muscle
o   Skeletal Muscle
o   Smooth Muscle
o   Cardiac Muscle

*   What is Neurons ?
o   Nerve cells are called Neurons

*   Main parts of neuron
o   Dendrites
o   Axon
o   Nucleus
o   Nerve Ending
o   node of Ranvier
o   myelin sheath

*   What is Synapse

o   The space between two nerve endings (or a nerve ending and a nerve cell body) 

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