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Monday, April 25, 2016

Basic Human Anatomy Part – 01 Quiz

Basic Human Anatomy Part – 01

*    What is Human Biology ?
o   Studying Anatomy & Physiology

*    What is Anatomy ? main two type
o   Study of the organization of body parts is called Anatomy
o   the parts we can see naked eye- Gross Anatomy or Macroscopic Anatomy
o   the part can see only from Microscope - Microscopic Anatomy
*    What is Histology?
o   The study of microscopic anatomy

*    What is Physiology ?
o   The study of the way the different parts of the body work and their overall function

*    What percentage of human body contain water?
o   60%

*    What is Biochemistry ?
o   The study of chemicals and their activities in the body

*    What is the purpose of life?
o   The survival of the organism and sustenance of the species are the basic functions (purpose) of life

*    What is Basic Unit of Living Organisms – Cell

*    Collections of similar type of cells called – Tissue

*    Organization of different tissue types to carry out a specific function – Organ

*      Several Organs connected to provided one or more particular function in the overall human body – System

*    Collection of Systems called – Human body

*    What is zygote ?
o   formed by mothers ovum (egg) and the father’s sperm cell (seed) other all cells originate from this cell

*    Approximately How many cells in human body ?
o   100 trillion cells in an adult human body

*    What are The basic functions of the cell
o   Production of structural components of cells  (cell repair & new cells)
o   Production of functional components of cells  (proteins - METABOLISM)
o   Cells also involved in elimination of waste,
o   Energy Production

*    What are the Parts of a Cell
o   Cell membrane – outer cover of cells (Plasma Membrane)
o   Organelles
o   Cytosol
o   Nucleus
o   Cytoplasm
o   Mitochondria (power house of the cell)
o   Ribosomes
o   Golgi apparatus

*    What is two main divisions of a cell ?
o   – Mitosis (division of bodily cells other than reproductive cells)
o   – Meiosis (Division of reproductive cells – halves the genetic material)

*    Cell types in the body based on their Regenerative capacities
o   Labile Cells: replication usually is a continuous process. (epithelium of skin, mucus membrane, secretory glands, Bone marrow, Blood, Spleen and Lymphoid Tissue)

o   Stable Cells: have the ability to replicate but do so only infrequently. (Liver, Kidney, Pancreas, Fibroblasts, Smooth muscles and Bone cells)

o   Permanent Cells: unable to replicate after normal growth is completed (Nerve cells, skeletal and cardiac muscle)

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