Made In Sri Lanka

Friday, April 29, 2016

The most expensive cars in the world - Lamborghini Veneno

Lamborghini Veneno - $4.5 million



Poison. That’s the name Lamborghini chose for the modified Aventador  to celebrate the automaker’s 50th birthday. a vehicle that looks so positively deadly, so undeniably venomous.

The car is absolutely stunning from every angle, and to this day, The Veneno is fast, and that should come as no surprise. Its 6.5-liter V12 spins all the way up to 8,400 rpm to deliver 740 hp and 507 lb-ft, surging the car to 60 mph in 2.9 seconds.


The most expensive cars in the world

$4.8 million – Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita


  • Acceleration: 0-100 km/h (0-62 mph) 2.9 seconds
  • 0-200 km/h 8.75 sec. 0-200-0 km/h 13.55 sec.
  • Top Speed: 410+ km/h (254+ mph)
  • Braking distance: 32m (100-0 km/h)
  • Lateral G-force: 1.5 G
  • Fuel consumption:
  • Highway travel: 18 l/100 km (E85 fuel),
  • Combined: 22 l/100km (E85)
  • Weight-to-power ratio: 1.26 kg/hp
  • Weight distribution: 45% front, 55% rear

Koenigsegg makes its first appearance on our list with the CCXR Trevita, and it does so as the most expensive street-legal production car in the world 2016. Reason is the car is literally coated in diamonds. For the Trevita, the Swedish manufacturer developed a new exterior finish called the Koenigsegg Proprietary Diamond Weave, which involves coating carbon fibers with a diamond dust-impregnated resin.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Introduction of Minimal Access Surgery

       Key Hole Surgery
       Endoscopic Surgery
       Button Hole Surgery
       Minimally Invasive Surgery
       Minimal Access Surgery

       1901 - Von Ott - First inspection of abdominal cavity using a speculum and candlelight.
       1983 - First laparoscopic appendicectomy Semm, a German gynaecologist.
       1985 - First Lap Chole Erich Muhe a German surgeon.
       1987 - First laparoscopic repair of inguinal hernia by Ger.
       1989 - First lap hysterectomy, Reich et al.
       1993 - First Robotic Laparoscopic surgery (Robotic telesurgery) Dan Stoianovici.

What is laparoscopy?
       Lapo- Abdomen
       Copy- See


       Hernia repair
         Anterior resection/ APR
         Sleeve gastrectomy
         Bowel resection


       Tubal ligation
       Wertheim's procedure


       Video camera control cable and camera process

       Video monitor

Camera Control Unit with Camera Head and Monitor the image is then relayed on the monitor.


Telescopes -0 degree  /30degree 10mm and 5mm

       Light source and light guide cable

     Light Cable - The light cable contains optical fibres  in order to transmit the light from light sources to the Abdominal cavity.


To extend existing body cavities to make an endoscopic view on organs.

Reasons to use CO2 instead of other gases ?

          None inflammable.
             Rapidly absorbed.
             Rapidly soluble- reduce chance of  gas embolism
             Smooth recovery from anaesthesia

       Electrosurgical unit (diathermy machine)

       Minimal invasive surgical instruments

Basic Human Anatomy Quiz- 04


*      What considered to be the largest organ of the body  -  skin

*    What main 03 layers of Skin
o   Epidermis
o   Dermis
o   Subcutaneous

*    The basic functions of Skin
o   Protects the body from injuries
o   Protects from invasive microbes
o   Act as a sensory organ
o   Regulates body temperature
o   Formation of vitamin D

*    What are the main two types of glands in Dermis.
o   Sebaceous glands
o   Sweat glands

*    Sebaceous glands:
o   Secrete a fluid called sebum into the hair follicle or to the skin surface.

*    Sweat glands
o   Sweat glands that open into hair in the axillae secrete an odorless fluid if decomposed by surface bacteria gives an unpleasant odor.

Basic Human Anatomy Quiz 03,

Human Biology – Part 03
*      Gross Anatomy – Parts that could be seen by the eye

*      Surface Anatomy – corresponding landmarks on the surface

*      Microscopic anatomy – Histology (Study of the parts that could not be seen from the naked eye)

*    What do mean by Anatomical Position
o   The anatomical position is a person standing erect, with their feet together, eyes forward, palms facing front with the thumbs pointing away from the body

Some Common Terms to know Standard Terminology

*      Superior (cranial) - toward the head.
*      Inferior (caudal) - toward the feet.

*      Anterior (ventral) - front.
*      Posterior (dorsal) - back.

*      Medial - toward the middle.
*      Lateral - to the sides.

*      Proximal - in or near attachment point in question, similar to the word proximity.
*      Distal - away from the attachment, similar to the word distant.

*      Superficial (external) - is something on the outside.
*      Deep (internal )- is inside, away from the skin.

*      Ipsilateral - Same side. (Ipsi means same. Lateral means side.)
*      Contralateral -  Opposite side. (Contra means opposite.)

*    Planes of the Human Body
o   Median Plane  (Mid-sagittal Plane)
o   Sagittal Plane   (Para-median Plane)
o   Coronal Plane  (Frontal Plane)
o   Transverse Plane (Horizontal Plane)

*    What is diaphragm?
o   The diaphragm is a domed shaped skeletal muscle, located at the inferior-most aspect of the rib cage.
o   It separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity

*    Main Systems of the Human Body
o   Digestive system
o   Respiratory System
o   Blood and Hematopoietic System
o   Cardio-Vascular System
o   Lymphatic System
o   Immune System
o   Urinary System
o   Nervous System
o   Endocrine System
o   Muscular System
o   Skeletal System

o   Reproductive Systems

Basic Human Anatomy Quiz 02

Tissue & Tissue Types

*   What is a tissue?
o   A tissue is made up of a large number of cells that is specialized to perform a specific function.

*   What is inter-cellular space in the tissue
o   the spaces between cells are, usually filled with extracellular fluid

*   What are main four types of tissues?
o   Epithelial Tissue
o   Connective Tissue (includes bone and cartilage)
o   Muscle Tissue
o   Nerve Tissue

*   What are Excitable Tissues?
o   Muscle and Nerve tissues are called EXCITABLE TISSUES due to the specialized property of their cell membrane

*   Why it’s called Excitable Tissue ?
o   The property of being able to stimulate the cell membrane to generate and transmit and electrochemical signal

*   What is Epithelial Tissue ?
o   Tissues cover the body and linings of tubes and cavities in the body.
o   The cells usually lie on a basement membrane
o   Cells of this tissue type are closely packed and therefore intercellular substance is minimal

*   What are main two types of epithelial tissues
o   Simple Epithelium – only one layer of cells
o   Stratified Epithelium – Multiple layers

*   What are main 04 groups Simple Epithelium tissue based on shape
o   Squamous Epithelium (Pavement) – flat cells (Heart – Blood & Lymph vessels – Lung Alveoli)
o   Cuboidal Epithelium – cube like cells (Tubules of the kidney – Some glands)
o   Columnar Epithelium – tall cells (Lining the organs of the gastro intestinal tract)
o   Ciliated Epithelium – cells with cilia on the free surface (Respiratory passage, Fallopian tubes)

*   What are main 02 groups Stratified Epithelium tissue
o   Stratified Squamous Epithelium (Skin)
o   Transitional Epithelium (bladder)

*   What is pseudo-stratified columnar epithelium
o   The tissue cell nuclei are at different levels in a section they appear stratified but in fact there is only one layer of cells (Found in the Respiratory Tract)

*   What are main 04 types of Connective Tissue? and main function
o   Tissues that provide support, connect or separate different types of tissues in the body
o   Loose Connective Tissue:
§  Areolar Tissue– under the skin, between muscles
§  Adipose Tissue (Fat): it is specialized but a loose connective
o   Dense Connective Tissue: 
§  Fibrous tissue – In ligaments,
o   Specialized Connective Tissue (Dense):
§   Cartilage Tissue
§   Bone Tissue
o   Blood and Lymphatic

*   How Connective tissue differ from epithelial tissues?
o   cells are spread wide  in connective tissue ,and a large amount of intercellular substance (matrix)

*   03 Types of cartilage
o   Hyaline cartilage – Provides Flexibility (Nose)
o   Elastic cartilage – Greater Flexibility (Ears)
o   Fibrous cartilage – Strength (intervertebral Discs)

*   02 types of bone tissues
o   Compact Bone – appears solid
o   Cancellous Bone – more spongy in appearance

*   What are  the main 03 Types of Muscle
o   Skeletal Muscle
o   Smooth Muscle
o   Cardiac Muscle

*   What is Neurons ?
o   Nerve cells are called Neurons

*   Main parts of neuron
o   Dendrites
o   Axon
o   Nucleus
o   Nerve Ending
o   node of Ranvier
o   myelin sheath

*   What is Synapse

o   The space between two nerve endings (or a nerve ending and a nerve cell body)